I haven’t been anywhere birding
since my visit to Abberton Reservoir in early January, confining my visits to
areas local to Bishop’s Stortford; indeed, a long three plus hours wander along
the river Stort from BS to Twyford Lock, and hours watching for photographic
opportunities from my kitchen window. What I discovered mainly is a dearth of
birdlife along the Stort, with virtually the same result in the garden, which
when you consider it is Winter, is extremely surprising and worrying – given
that birds in particular need extra sustenance provided by food put out by us
at this time of the year.
So, birds seen in or from the
garden thus far are Long-tailed Tits; Great Tits; Blue Tits; a single Coal Tit;
Carrion Crows and Jackdaws (as flyovers); a Red Kite (seen overhead from the front
garden); a Wren making numerous but fleeting visits – and very difficult to
catch photographically; a Dunnock; two Robins (possibly a mated pair as they
tolerate each other without sparring); a single Collared Dove; Woodies and
Magpies galore (!); House Sparrows; Starlings; a male and female Blackbird
(which don’t appear to be pair) - but so far no Sparrowhawks or Blackcaps (both
of which were present on at least two occasions in January 2024). Mammals have been
restricted to a lone Squirrel and two Red Foxes (which appear to be a mated pair) seen in both the front and back garden mainly late at night –
though I did have a close encounter with the two one evening at around 9.30 p.m.
– through the kitchen window and illuminated by the kitchen light!!
Here is a selection of photographs taken since my Abberton trip.
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